Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I am BACK!

Hello there!

How is everyone doing? I am very good, I am back from vacation and ready to start posting again!  I missed your nice comments in my posts, I missed you all!

So today I have something different. I was in Catwalk, because there you can find many creaitve outfits so I found these:

These outfits aren't my style, aren't the best, but you can surely see that these girls actually TRIED to make a creative outfit even though they didn't use worthy items, but cheap ones. But the result here is nice, because it's not just a dress with high heels, but with tights, many belts and accessorizes.

Probably these girls aren't superstars so that's why they don't have better quality items. But I think they did a great work with the items they had and  you can see it yourself. This IS creativity.

Also great were:

Tell me your opinion in comments!

See ya soon,
Fairydew xx


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