Sunday, September 18, 2011

School Inspired Outfits

Hello out there (:

How are you? Had fun on Saturday? I hope you had I had!

So today I thouught I should make school inspired outfits because we want it or not, school is here to stay, at least for the other 8 months.  However, it's not so bad, if you still have free time for stardoll, family and friends.

The first look is a very classic school look, it is also non-ss and black & white. Moreover, it iv very cheap at my opinion.

The second one, is a look I had created long time ago [so that's why it doesn't have prices] for a competition that our owner PrincessLicha had made in one of her clubs. It is inspired by Gossip Girl, because there are a lot of college girls that used to dress up like that in the series.

Take a look at them:

                                                        [Click the picture to enlarge]

So what do you think?

Would you buy the things to create them for your medoll?

I hope you like them!

See ya soon,

Fairydew xxx


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