Thursday, September 1, 2011

MSW Begins Part 2

I have recently found out that my latest rant about how MSW is being played has offended some people. Particularly the well known Ghandoora.

Yes, the first picture in my rant was from her presentation. I would like to say here and now in front of everyone reading this, I have nothing against her. My problem and the whole point of that post, was to show how a competition that is supposed to be given to the most dedicated member of Stardoll is being played. My problem is NOT with race or religion or anything else! I believe everyone should have a fair chance of winning. No matter what or who you are. Some people are under the impression that I made the post because Ghandoora is Palestinian and Muslim. Well, for every one's information my father is Palestinian. Yes, I am half Palestinian. So please answer this, why would I have a problem with the people that come from where my father was born? I have no problem with any one's religion either.

I am saying this to you. I am sorry if I offended you. I did not intend that. I even said that I didn't say the names of who I got the pictures from just because I didn't want to offend. I don't have a problem with your race or religion. I am half Palestinian myself. My problem is not with you. My problem is with what 3/4 of the members of Stardoll are doing. I am not mad with them. I am mad that Stardoll doesn't try to make it more fair for the people who can't afford to spend an excessive amount of money on a virtual site. Nothing in that post was aimed directly at you.  I also would like to say, I never called you a cheater. I have no control over what people comment. It is not my place to delete their comments because they are voicing their own opinion. Because the post was not aimed at you, I am not apologizing for it though. I stand by what I believe and my belief is that the competition is being played wrong. I know I can not sway you in what you feel is and isn't fair. I respect that you will stand up for what you believe no matter what anyone says. I have always respected and admired your Suite and I feel you deserve to go far in the competition because it is amazing. Not because of what you can offer.

If anyone else has any further problems with me or my views, please send me a private message.



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