Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What It Feels Like for a Hot Boy

Anyone who follows this little blog that is knows that Magic Mike is going to be like, the hottest movie of next year.

I mean, it has Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Bomer, and Joe freaking Manganiello in it, and its about male strippers. Hello!

Now Manganiello is talking about how he feels about joining the good-lookin project, and what he thinks about his characters attention-grabbing name.

“The fact that Ive said yes to a part named Big Dick Richie is hilarious to me,” he said. “When I first started acting it was Merchant of Venice and all of these Ibsen plays and turn-of-the-century drama, so the fact that I went through all that training and now I’m know because I flash my butt on screen, that’s hysterical.

It really does make me laugh, but who cares? I’m having more fun that I’ve ever had acting in my entire life right now.

I, for one, am thrilled the guy’s working so damn hard on his craft.... Keep at it!



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