Thursday, September 8, 2011

New MSW And More

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today I am happy to bring you the great news that the new MSW Store has been released!

(Click to Enlarge)

I must say, I do like the clothes, but compared to last years I am slightly disappointed. 

But what are your thoughts? What do you think of it?

Now as mentioned in the title of the most, here is my "And More" part.

Every member of Stardoll was surprised just the other day to see and Antidote dress released in the Archive for just 16 stardollars. I jumped on it and I know probably every other Superstar out there did. Any why wouldn't they? It's an adorable dress from a great (and always expensive) brand for not even a fraction of the price. But you see, no one expected that to only be the beginning.

Today, as I logged into my blogger and looked through the latest news from the blogs I followed, all of them were talking about and giving a link to these 64 free items you could get. I just thought that they were some promotional thing but I looked just in case. To my surprise, I saw some of the most valuable and sought after pieces on Stardoll. These 64 items consisted of DKNY, First and Second season LE, Alexander McQueen, and SO much more!!

Now, can anyone remember that post I made a while back about the Tribute items that were being given out if you did certain activities on Stardoll in honor of the 111,111,111 mark of members on Stardoll? We were all freaking out then but I think that was officially blown away when this happened. Yes, I think every rare to ever reach Stardoll is in danger now of being lowered down to being no better then 5 stardollars. I mean, is it just me or does everyone see the explosion at the bottom of the cliff as rares slowly are falling down it? 

It seems the Dollywood side of Stardoll has been going through a lot of changes. It all started about a month and a half ago when the tribute dress where given out to just about everyone. Then the elite society of Stardoll lost probably about half of it's inhabitants. Now this. All I can say is Oh Crap.

Who knows, maybe this is a way of showing the Stardoll community that it is time for new Elites and I guess that must come with new rares. If so, watch out Stardoll, there might be some new personalities, talents and drama on the horizon. Or maybe this is just Stardoll telling everyone in a blunt way that beyond reasonable value for an item is not tolerated. Who knows.

I will quote a bit from my last post that just about covers all of this, "I feel like Stardoll is doing anything to get more money and in the process, practically destroying collections. Slashing them in half. Throwing value out the window."

 I think that just about covers all of it don't you think? Now, the tribute offer was for the celebration of Stardoll reaching 111,111,111 members. Ok, I see why they would want to celebrate. But this, 64 of the most valuable items given out, but I don't see a reason to celebrate? Nothing special has happened? So why? 

I mean, don't get me wrong, I am so happy to get some of these pieces but I know collectors that have spent hundreds of dollars and stardollars (yes, I meant to say both because people have spent that much) to get these pieces must be literally fuming to see them given away. Again...

So I ask this question, what are your thoughts? Do you think any rare is safe? Do you think there is anything that Stardoll won't touch and destroy it's worth?


Update:  Most of the free items that we got yesterday were taken back. Some are still there and I noticed they are the items offered on the gifting system on Facebook but everything else was taken. This really was a huge glitch that Stardoll didn't want out of hand. (Thank you to evermore1girl for bringing that to my attention.)


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