Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fresh Meat

Last year, Sylvester Stallone put forth The Expendables, an actioner starring a bunch of middle-aged vets of the genre.

The movie was a hit. (Right? I skipped it, and I don’t recall hearing many good things ’bout it....)

Obviously, Sly’s doing a sequel, and he reportedly has beefed up Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis’ tongue-in-cheek cameos from the original, as well as recruited Jean-Claude Van Damme and Chuck Norris to join the likes of Jet Li, Jason Statham, and Mickey Rourke in the follow-up.

But he’s also looking to keep things fresh a bit and appear to a less AARP-friendly audience by casting some young blood in the thing, so he’s turned to Liam Hemsworth.

The Hunger Games star is set to play a (H-O-T) sniper, so look for him when The Expendables 2 shoots its way into theaters late next summer.



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