Saturday, August 27, 2011

Miss Stardoll World Begins

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we all know, the most awaited competition will be hitting Stardoll in two days. I have been posting the latest news once it is released for the past few weeks. Today though, my post is about how the members of Stardoll are preparing.

I was browsing through Stardoll and I came across this on one members presentation.

The moment the message of MSW returning to Stardoll, we were flooded with messages like this.

Or this:

I was even looking at a shop and saw these:

I know there are more but those where the only two designs available in the shop where they were being sold.

Now my problems is not with advertising. I am fine with people wanting to trying to win. My problem is with the "Help me win Miss Stardoll World and I will give the person who helped me most (fill in the blank)" or "Vote me Miss Stardoll World and I will give everyone (fill in the blank)". That is not trying to win fairly, that is bribing my friends. That is my problem with Miss Stardoll World.

This competition can be very easily related to Covergirl. The person who has the best suite or is the most dedicated member doesn't win, haha no only that would happen in a perfect virtual world. No, the sad truth is, the person who has the most gold coins up in the top right corner of the screen wins. We have all visited the Covergirl's suite and felt our shoulders and hearts sink as the person who has won, is busy thanking everyone for the sweet (kissing up) comments but no one seems to pay attention to the fact that, quite honestly, their suite is terrible and the MeDoll is no better. Sadly, MSW will be no better.

I know I have already been flooded with messages and Guestbook comments saying "Vote me Miss Stardoll World!!!". I just delete them and move on. I, just like every other member of Stardoll, wish that I could by some odd chance be chosen as Miss Stardoll World or at least be a finalist but I don't by any means plan on spending 100's or stardollars on advertising giving me a bit of a slighter chance of getting an achievement on a virtual website. That is after all what this all is, a virtual website.

But enough about me, what are your thoughts on all of this?


P.S. Out of wanting to avoid people being offended, I will not be saying the names of where I got these pictures. I am sure many of you have already seen these though.


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